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The Real Purpose Behind Mask Orders During the COVID-19 Pandemic Was To Disrupt Worship Services

1 min read

Worship Is the Ultimate Target
California is requiring churches to not sing in their worship services. The governor of Illinois has said that churches might not be able to meet for a year. Yeah, right. We can see what you are doing, you know.

As far as Christians are concerned, this really needs to be the tip of the spear. If there is any place where we disregard their requirements, it should be here, under these circumstances, in this time. This is the moment.

[…] No free Christian should obey an order from the civil magistrate to put on their servility badge as he or she offers the worship of a free Christian.

And so what should Christian worship look like? It must not look like they are trying to make it look. No singing? Are you kidding? Cover your face to interrupt the Spirit-wrought transformation from glory to glory? Why in Heaven’s name would we do that? Why on earth would we comply? You know, I don’t think we should be listening to you guys.

Source: 7 Reasons for Unmasking the Masks, July 8, 2020,